Jay Peak: Playing the Long Game

Three weeks ago Doug Fish of Indy Pass sent me an email. “I’m coming East, here’s my schedule. When are we skiing together?” I looked at his itinerary and started to weigh my options. I needed some time.

Jay Peak

When it comes to weather, the farthest out I look is 240 hours. Each day, I do one simple thing; I check the GFS 240 hour snowfall map for the CONUS (aka Continental US). By noting the difference in the map vs the previous day, I can see if the GFS is seeing snow on that 10th day. Sometimes I leave a browser tab open and refresh it each morning, to more easily see the change in the modeled storm overnight. It’s a bit of a game as storm tracks flip back and forth each day.

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Titus Mountain Payoff

Stuck on Ski Day 13 for two weeks, my not-so-secret OCD wasn’t at all comfortable. But for reasons I don’t understand, or maybe it was Thursday’s monsoon, I wasn’t feeling it for the drive north. Am I getting old? Please don’t answer.

I want to add another New York ski area to my resume and I’ve been eyeing up options in Central NY.  But after Thursday’s nuclear meltdown, Titus picked up 6+ inches of snow and looked like the best choice this side of Western NY.

When I heard from Sports Page — that the boots and bindings I’d ordered last June had finally come in — I used it as motivation.  Even if conditions were firm, I’d finally have my two ski quiver in place.

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Gore Mountain Redemption

After the weekend we just had, you may well be here to read a tale of Gore Mountain powder. Still, a blogger has to write the story that’s on his mind and in his heart. Friday at Gore was incredible. But to tell it, I need to unpack the last three weeks. It’s a personal story, I’m hoping you’ll get something out of it too. I promise, before the end, there will be snow.

driving in the rain

It started January 16, the day before that first 12 inch storm of the year for the southern Adirondacks. I’d done everything I needed to do to put myself in position to ski it, on a weekday, without a white knuckle storm chase. Perfect, right?

But alas, I was thwarted, by my own bad self.

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