ORDA Budget Update 2010

With the early season pass discount deadline looming on June 17, we took the plunge yesterday and laid down our money for two full passes. I’d assume early deadline passholders are curious about the budget. But from what I’ve heard, passes are selling at a normal pace.

I found an article in the Press Republican, dated yesterday, that reported on a recent meeting of the Essex County Board of Supervisors. Ted Blazer, ORDA CEO, seemed confident that ORDA would operate in some fashion next season. The state has been passing weekly “emergency extender bills” to keep the government running and ORDA has been included.

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Nick Z Productions Update

SnowmakingWe first profiled the snowmaking of Nick Z Productions back in April.

Now he’s hit the big time. Nick Z put together a photo/essay presentation about his snow making escapades last winter and submitted it to SNOWatHOME, his primary gun supplier.

Now Nick is the grand prize winner of the SNOWatHOME Photo Contest. The prize is full reimbursement for his gun. Nice Nick!