A Simple Twist of Fate

Since I was 6 years old I’d always had a season pass at Hunter Mountain. My parents, Dorothy and Jack skied Hunter and Dad was a ski instructor there for a long time. After they moved to Florida; Orville Slutzky, still comped my son and me a season pass every year. An act of generosity I’ll always remember.

At the time, I didn’t have many friends/acquaintances that skied. Those that did wanted to go on to Vermont instead of going to Hunter. I’d ski Hunter with my son or by myself. Once he went away to college I either went to Hunter by myself or with a couple of guys from work. Since I’m a teacher, I also skied one night a week with my school ski club.

My wife was never too interested, but as my daughter and youngest son got older, I took them with me and we had a great time. I was getting out probably 30+ times a year, either alone, with my kids, with the occasional friend or on a school trip.

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Highpeaksdrifter joins NYSkiBlog

Hoyt's HighHighpeaksdrifter has joined NY Ski Blog as an author for the 2010/2011 season.

As our go-to guy for Whiteface and northern Adirondacks, Highpeaksdrifter will be checking in during the ski season with trip reports from his home hill, and news from ORDA headquarters in Lake Placid. After the snow melts, you’ll find him hiking, biking, or kayaking throughout the High Peaks. Chances are, you’ve read his informative and passionate posts on ski forums including AlpineZone and SkiADK, where he also moderated.

In addition to repping for Nordica, Highpeaksdrifter has also worked the past nine seasons as a mountain host at Whiteface. If you ask him to name his favorite trails there, he doesn’t hesitate. “Cloudspin’s my favorite. I love that there are so many different lines on that trail. I became a big fan of Hoyt’s High this last season and, of course, I love the Slides: the best slack-country skiing in the Northeast.”