Jamesdeluxe Interviews Belleayre’s Joe Kelly

You may or may not know that Jamesdeluxe is actually a writer by trade. He’s also a Belleayre regular and is very interested in the future of the hill.

Linked below is his interview with avid Belleayre supporter Joe Kelly, about the future of the mountain in the Catskills. Even if you’ve never skied Bell, it’s a compelling look at an passionate group of Belleayre advocates that has worked hard to keep the mountain alive over the decades. It should be interesting for NY skiers to note the differences between Belleayre and the other two ski state-run mountains.

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Mega-Storm Potential

Next week’s system will be complicated. 2 lows, with a lot of reforming. A 500mb low. Very difficult to forecast. Right now ALL the models cut-off the low in New England. This could be a long duration event.

Jason’s a real weatherguy. He’s got to go by the rules. Multiple model runs, different models, credibility. Blah, blah, blah. I’m just a stokemeister. I poked my way into the GFS. If you follow it out, the model shows multiple events on the horizon. The image above depicts a mega storm late next week. BRING IT.

Jason will be out with some legitimate weather analysis Sunday evening.

Neve on the Hill

On New Years Eve 2009, Neve Fox strode confidently out onto the hill for the first time. Led by her instructor and her mom Zelda, she made her way up the Bear Cub slope.

Ski Day 1

BJ, Gore Mountain instructor extraordinaire, explained the basics of stance, high-five, snow angels and all the other skills crucial to becoming a top-flight skier.

first lesson

Over the course of the next month, teacher and student worked together tirelessly, to develop Neve’s technique, style and enthusiasm.

baby steps

By mid-January she was riding the Bear Cub Poma all by herself.


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