Whiteface Summer Update (2011)

NYSkiBlog spoke with Whiteface General Manager Bruce McCulley, on the status of maintenance and improvements taking place on the mountain this summer.

Whiteface Mountain Gondola

NYSkiBlog: Bruce thanks for your time. What’s going at Whiteface this summer?

Bruce McCulley: As usual, we’re very busy this summer with annual maintenance — lifts, snowmaking, trails, plus our vehicles, electrical, and buildings. We’ll inspect every inch of our snowmaking pipe, replace any cracked air/water hydrants. We’ll pull pumps, rebuild packings, repair any leaking valves, brush out our lines and refurbish snow guns as necessary. We’ll do compressor maintenance, and clean silt from our intakes.

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Friday Fantasy Photo #24

Riva Ridge • Whiteface, NY • December 26, 2010

“At the summit of Whiteface there’s a sense that the runs drop perilously from the ledge sculpted into the side of the mountain. On this particular day clouds shrouded the valleys below and the High Peaks rose in the distance. I photographed this lone snowboarder as he admired the dramatic view from along the ledge…” -takeahike46er