Snow Ridge: Back at Full Strength

Snow Ridge has gotten a lot of attention from us this year, for good reason. Or maybe more accurately, for a bad reason. On August 7 of last year, the hill was ripped by an EF-3 tornado. Tornados are bad, and when they come to ski areas, late in the off-season, they are really bad. Snow Ridge scrambled to get ready for winter.

Lyons Falls cemetery
Lyons Falls cemetery

We covered the event, and the even more astounding recovery. Evidence of the storm is still obvious as many downed trees remain. But every functioning piece of the ski operation has now been restored. On Thursday, the last piece of the puzzle, the North Chair, was certified to run.

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Hickory is a Magic Machine

I first met Stuart of The Storm back in 2020 on an off-the-hook powder day at McCauley. We got to talking about all the great small ski areas in New York. He told me “NYSkiBlog has more Hickory content than anyone else on the web.” At the time, I wondered if we’d ever publish an on-snow piece about Hickory again.

An enormous amount of work has gone into getting the hill open. Led by Hickory founder Hans Winbauer’s daughter, Sue Catana, the hill has navigated operational, inspection and insurance challenges. With significant help from the Indy Pass and Unofficial Networks, Hickory announced they’d spin lifts on Saturday, for the first time since 2015.

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Snow Ridge Goon Jam 2

Goon Jam 2 kicked off it’s tour right here in NY at Snow Ridge. Tour stops are at independent resorts across the country, and the focus is on supporting family-owned businesses while spreading the love of snowboarding.

Steezy Method
Steezy Method

Despite the truly $hitty weather over the previous few weeks the Ridge was ready. GM Nick told me the snow we were riding on was made over a month ago. As expected the park setup was on point, after the park crew and Flower Skate Shops boys worked through Friday night getting it ready.The layout was sweet, up top a few corrugated tubes and rails were buried for jibbing and stalling.

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