Millbrook Mountain: The Nose Knows

Normally, on the weekend around my birthday, I’d be celebrating at the Climb to the Castle on the Whiteface Toll Road. The new normal has changed all that, but I still wanted to get outside.

Minnewaska view

Unfortunately, at the end of running the Slide-Cornell-Wittenberg loop in the Catskills in late August, I fell and broke my right wrist. Driving home that night wasn’t fun: I had to reach across and select fifth gear left-handed.

I’ve got a few more weeks with this miserable cast. Anything steep that requires three-point contact isn’t happening: I can’t put pressure on my wrist. So when I returned to Lake Minnewaska, I was looking for something I hadn’t been on before.

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The Dark Side on a Sunny Day

For years we’ve known that the High Peaks Chair — serving Gore Mountain’s Dark Side — would have to be replaced. Installed in the late 60s, the chair was over 50 years old.

Gore base area

We also knew the new chair was going to be more than a double. Doubles are harder to come by, and people generally like larger chairs. This year Gore is replacing both Lift 6 and Lift 3 at the same time. Lift 3, the Sunway Chair, used the same basic hardware as the Lift 6, the High Peaks Chair, and it’s a few years older.

I was at our place in the Adirondacks for a work weekend and leaves were at peak. It seemed like a good time to ride the quad to the Bear Mountain saddle and then hike to the top of Gore for a look around.

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Adirondack Sojourn

Like most of us, my winter was cut short. Not sure about you, but you-know-what also blew up my summer plans. Whiteface Sky Race? Cancelled. App Gap rollerski race? Cancelled. I’d also wanted to run the Pemigewassett Loop, a legendary route in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. It just didn’t seem prudent.

River Road

In August, I was between jobs, and for the first time since March, I ventured beyond day trip distance for a much needed Adirondack respite.

The plan was to rollerski the Whiteface toll road on Saturday, and the following day, hike something I’d never been on.

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