Return to Central Park

I like my routines and left to my own devices I’d live what most would consider a pretty boring life. Work, exercise, gardening, eat, sleep and in the winter, ski. Even crazier, I’m not fond of travel. I love being in amazing places, I just don’t like getting there.

10 Columbus Circle

Last week I traveled by train to New York City for a conference and to meet new clients. Easy travel for sure, unless you compare it to my daily commute, two blocks on foot.

My travel itinerary was pretty simple. Northeast Corridor Rail to NY Penn Station, The 7th Avenue “1” train to 59th street and into the complex at 10 Columbus Circle. It’s a modern shopping center with a theater that is used for musical performances and meetings.

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The Adirondack Dream Week

Some things exist, while others are only in your mind. Still perfect conditions can make reality fantastic. Or put another way, just because something exists doesn’t mean it’s not fantasy.

The Adirondack Dream Week is something I’ve come to expect every September, or at this time in my life, every August. This is not to say that conditions are dreamy every year. But it’s often enough to keep the dream alive.

This year was just about perfect. Sunny, cold, breezy and almost bug-free.  We didn’t really have big plans when we arrived. Mountain biking, glade clearing, trail maintenance, gymnastics, paddling, walking and drinking it in.

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Smugglers Notch

Smugglers Notch has been on my radar for more than five years. Without ever setting foot on the hill, I knew that Smuggs had it all: snow, terrain and old school vibe.

smuggs trees

My experience in Northern Vermont is limited. I skied Stowe many years ago, as an intermediate. We had friends in the area and we would ski for a few days around Christmas. In those days I wasn’t a tree skier and I don’t remember us getting any new snow.

Then, about five years ago a bunch of us skied together for three days at Jay. The first morning the Jay Cloud went off at opening and delivered 5-8″ before lunch. My first experience with nice powder skiing in really widely spaced trees.

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