Whiteface Improvements 2018

New York State continues to update and improve facilities at the state-owned mountains. For the hardcore the big news may be the addition of dozens of new snowguns through NYSERDA-SANY and NYSEG grant programs. What follows is an update from the mountain on off-season progress.

Bear Den Mountain

Whiteface is growing their learn to ski facilities and programs with an expansion of Bear Den Mountain Learning Center. Bear Den Mountain is home to the Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA) snow sports school and is dedicated to teaching children and adults to ski and ride.

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Cinco de Mayo at Whiteface

As the season winds down, experienced and pragmatic skiers make lemonade, finding a way to relish the end. This year — with lift-assisted skiing on Cinco de Mayo at Whiteface — we made margaritas.

With some help from mother nature, Whiteface went for it, spinning a lift this past Saturday May 5, her latest closing date ever. While setting a record was a feather in the cap for Whiteface Ops, it was also a nod to the Whiteface faithful. One last chance to ride the lifts, make some turns, hang on the deck and make connections while celebrating the holiday. I cleared my schedule and hit the road at 6am Saturday to be part of an historic occasion.

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Warming Up to Whiteface

Whiteface elicits a lot of passion from skiers from both sides; some thrive on the unique and challenging terrain, while others make up the group responsible for the notorious nickname “Iceface.”

Rational or not, until recently I fell into the second group. After my collision with a tree at Stratton in December, I’ve developed a newfound skittishness on firm surfaces.

I’m relatively new to skiing, I started in 2015. I love skiing fast, but slick surfaces force me to make skidded turns on skis that never seem sharp enough. When I encounter sporty conditions, I tend to end my day early, once the corduroy is gone and the loose granular gets pushed down the slopes.

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