Gore Mountain: Snacking on a Donut

The rain has been relentless. On my last two drives to the mountains I found myself doing my best Brook Benton baritone. It helps me adjust to a March that looks like April. Still, I haven’t given up on winter. Last week, with a chance of snow in NY, and a bit of now or neverism in my mind, I started making plans.

driving in the rain
Did you ever feel like it was a rainin’ all over the world?

I skipped skiing Saturday, convincing Scott to roll with me to our camp in the Adirondacks that night. More accurately I convinced Scott to roll the dice with me, and ski Gore on Sunday. When I left NJ in early afternoon, I was driving up in a dreary winter downpour at 41 degrees.

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Snow Ridge: Back at Full Strength

Snow Ridge has gotten a lot of attention from us this year, for good reason. Or maybe more accurately, for a bad reason. On August 7 of last year, the hill was ripped by an EF-3 tornado. Tornados are bad, and when they come to ski areas, late in the off-season, they are really bad. Snow Ridge scrambled to get ready for winter.

Lyons Falls cemetery
Lyons Falls cemetery

We covered the event, and the even more astounding recovery. Evidence of the storm is still obvious as many downed trees remain. But every functioning piece of the ski operation has now been restored. On Thursday, the last piece of the puzzle, the North Chair, was certified to run.

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Catskill Cherries in the Snow

To anyone who knows me, it’s pretty obvious: I like my traditions. If something makes me happy, there’s a good chance I’ll do it over and over again. I’m comfortable with repetition.


Twelve years ago, on my birthday, I was at Plattekill having the time of my life. I decided to pay it forward and buy a round for the house. It was my present to the mountain and myself. I talked to people about Plattekill and skiing, and why they were there. Why we were all there. Yes, it became a tradition; I’ve skied at Plattekill on my birthday every year since.

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