SFM Rail Jam 2025 at Woods Valley

Across New York park jams have been firing. The venerated Scott Delforte jam at Bristol went off for the 20th year in a row. North of there at the Northampton Rope Tow Park the boys built a gnarly rail jam course with the Flower Skate Shop and hosted the Tell a Friend Tour. Out west the Boardroom hosted the 7th annual Boardroom Banked.

Grom Rail
Nose Press on the Grom Rail

Unfortunately, my season is over, a fractured foot. Still, I wasn’t content to miss out on all the action, especially not the 2nd Annual SFM Rail Jam at Woods Valley. The Stone Mercurio Foundation honors the legacy of a Rome native, by building a much needed city skatepark in his name.

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A Prescription for Cazenovia

Some skiers and riders dream of a private ski resort. Others buy a mega-pass, take a shuttle from the paid parking lot to the lodge, and wait in line to ski crowded terrain. But take heart if you’re reading this blog, there may be hope.

I fortify myself with a steady dose of independent New York ski areas. For those who have gone over the edge, a shock to the system may be needed for a full reset. If you have mega pass fever, only a hidden gem will save you. I prescribe some Cazenovia Ski Club.

I don’t have mega pass, but since I first rode Cazenovia two years ago, and I’ve been dying to get back.

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Snow Ridge: Sap Line Saturday

I spent last week traveling for work. After 4 am wake ups, economy class seating and stuffy hotel rooms I wanted to stretch my legs and get some fresh air. When I left New York on Monday, another round of lake effect was rolling in off Ontario and the inches were stacking up on Tug Hill. I knew there was a place where the stashes would be deep and untouched come Saturday; the Snow Pocket.


On weekends the old t-bar spins at 11, which gives me time to sleep in and still make it to the mountain for a few warm up laps. I made my way up the Ridge Runner chair a little after 10, time enough to take Keursteiner to The Pocket.

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