A New Beginning At Belleayre

On the drive up the Thruway Saturday morning for my inaugural ski day of the 2012-13 season in the northeast, I thought about the endless discussions in the NY Ski Forums about ORDA taking over the management of Belleayre, the state-run ski area in the western Catskills.

During the off-season, I’d read threads arguing the pros and cons of such issues as free skiing for seniors, the extensive ticket discounts and giveaways of years past, and the number of employees per skier visit. I’d also heard glowing reports from a couple longtime employees who were ecstatic about ORDA’s efforts to transform Belleayre into a fiscally prudent ski area. However, with up to a half foot of new snow in the forecast for the day, my immediate concern was less about ski-area politics and more about getting on the hill as soon as possible.

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Spring Skiing at Hunter …in December

Hunter is renowned for breeding a certain type of expert skier that can slash moguls and carve ice, skills born of the fickle NY ski season and the steeps of West and K-27.

I don’t think I really fit those stereotypes. But when I noticed a forecast with highs in the 40s, I knew that Wednesday would be my first day at Hunter this year. A delicious corn harvest on admittedly limited terrain.

It’s rare for me to wait so long to get to Tannersville because Hunter has the firepower and to get to 100 percent open faster than any mountain in the east.

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Windham, NY: 12/19/12

The true test for an eastern ski resort is always the early season warm spell or r**n event. The Catskills’ major ski areas have only been able to open a few runs this season and this most recent system that dropped snow on northernmost New England primarily produced the wet stuff farther south. Nevertheless, I packed my bags and headed for Windham NY at 6:30 this morning.

The mountain was reporting that the two top-to-bottom runs were still open, along with an additional connector at mid-mountain, along some beginner terrain near the base.

Opening was delayed to allow extra time to finish grooming some previously ungroomed terrain.  I was content waiting in an Adirondack chair in the sun, thankful for the change in plans. The mountain had solid coverage across both Upper Whistler and Upper Wolverine; the groomers did an excellent job in most places, leaving most coverage as loose granular.

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