Interview: The_Man_Within_The_Map

early season snowstormI remember noticing The_Man_Within_The_Map as far back as 2020. I always liked his approach as much as his skiing. There’s an upbeat life force that shines through his content.

The man himself — Shane O’Toole — had a solid following and then this season, he kind of exploded.

After I saw him stand up to defend the honor of Thunder Ridge on Instagram, I wanted to hear what he had to say. Our interview with Shane follows.

Editor in Chief,

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Indy Pass: 30 More Resorts, 3 More in NY

GRANBY, COLORADO—Indy Pass announced today that Loveland Resort in Colorado is among 52 resorts added to the Indy Pass since the end of last season including 11 in Japan, five in Europe, and three in Quebec, Canada.

Thirty of those resorts were announced at a media event in NYC last night. Marquis areas include Loveland Ski Area in Colorado; 12 resorts in Innsbruck, Austria; Bear Valley, California; and Massif du Sud in Quebec. Three ski clubs from New York are also on the list.

With the capacity these new resorts add, Indy Pass will release a limited quantity of passes for sale today while supplies last. This will be the final sale of the 24/25 season.

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Plattekill Tree Skiing Work Day 2024

The Roster is FULL. 50 lopper hounds, we are at our max. Thanks everyone!

Plattekill Mountain and NYSkiBlog are stoked to present the 14th annual Plattekill Tree Skiing Work Day at the ski area in Roxbury NY on Sunday October 27th, 2024. There is no rain date at this time.

Plattekill fall aerial photo

The tradition — imagined in the mind of dedicated NY skier— lives on. We’re recruiting a motivated, smiling crew of lopper wielding powder hounds to continue our maintenance and expansion of some of the Catskills’ best tree skiing.

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