Killington: Drop the Mic

I don’t know why I count ski days, and I’m not sure I want to know. I do know that I’ve averaged 35 days a season over the last five years with little variance. It’s become a bit of a benchmark for me. With 34 days this season and friends planning to rip under a sunny sky, I drove to Killington for Ski Day 35.

skiing a closed trail

Sort of. Friday afternoon Zelda and I were to attend the “States” gymnastics meet about an hour north of home. As you might suspect, the wheels were in motion. I devised a two-car strategy to allow me to head directly from the competition to our place in the mountains, within striking distance of Big K.

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Ski Review: WhiteRoom Model 44

Right upfront: This is not actually a ski review, it’s more of a story with a bit of commercial at the end.

I’ve never written a ski review; I never wanted to. I don’t have the understanding of ski dynamics or the vocabulary to evaluate a ski in a way that would be useful to a knowledgeable skier. On the other hand, I like to write about things I love, and that includes my WhiteRoom Skis.

I’ll review the process of working with WhiteRoom to design these skis and try to describe the ski, how it turns, and how it feels when I turn it.

To quote a famous guitar player “I’ll give you what I got.”

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Gore Mountain: Closing at Home

I’ve been away from Gore; my last trip to Johnsburg was over a month ago. For much of April, the fickle sun and elusive warm temps had kept me off to the south. I have to admit returning for Gore’s closing this past weekend, I felt a little disconnected at the start. Lucky for me, the feeling didn’t last too long.

During the week, the forecast for Saturday looked sunny and cool-ish, while Sunday was just a bit warmer. I had some doubt that snow would soften, especially on Saturday. Eventually my faith in the strong April sun and a bit of fomo carried the day. I took to the highway, headed north to the mountains on Friday afternoon.

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