Opening Day Information from Whiteface

You’ve got to give Whiteface credit for understanding exactly what a skier would want to know and pasting it front and center on the homepage:

“Saturday December 5th Snowmakers will be working around the clock all week making snow in anticipation of our new tentative opening date Saturday December 5th. We anticipate opening Excelsior, Summit Express and Upper Valley. These trails will be serviced by the Cloudsplitter Gondola and the Little Whiteface Chair. We will be downloading via the gondola. Lift ticket prices will be $38 for adults, teens and seniors and just $25 for juniors. There will be no beginner terrain available.”


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Whiteface Mtn, NY: 4/9/08

first view of Whiteface
The Money Shot

After blowing out of work at 2:30 yesterday and driving to our place in North River, I was excited and anxious to get a shot at The Slides. It was not to be. We asked whoever we could find: what is up with the slides? Nobody knew, or would say.

After a few runs on the summit quad, ski patrol at the top gave us the bad news… Slides are closed FOR THE SEASON.

James, Steve, Patrick and I made the best of it. I didn’t look at the map much so I’m not sure of the names of a lot of what we did. But here is what I do know: Slightly overcast but somehow sunny… things were corning up nicely by 9:58 when we loaded onto the facelift. Hit Upper Skyward, Cloudspin and some terrain off Little Whiteface.

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