The Blue Ledges on the Hudson, NY

The hike to the Blue Ledges on the Hudson is another Southern Adirondack classic. Accessible and beautiful, delivering in spades: a nice trail and an exciting destination for a small effort.

On the trail to Blue Ledges

To reach the trailhead take Route 28N north from North Creek. Turn left onto the Northwoods Club road, near the top of the big hill heading out of Minerva. Take it very far, over the bridge at the Boreas River, and then go three miles more to the trailhead at Huntley Pond.

To be fair, accessibility can be limited by rain, which can degrade the road and make the trail muddy. We saw none of that recently when he hiked the route at the end of an exceptionally dry summer.

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Moxham Mountain, NY

Moxham Mountain has always been, for me at least, a general term I used to describe an area sprinkled with ledgy cliffs on the “other” side of the Hudson River near North Creek, NY. Even now, after finally summiting Mox, I’m still not clear on the what parts of the landscape are truly considered part of the peak.

Trail to Moxham Mountain.

Take 28N from North Creek past the Minvera Fire House and turn left on 14th Road. Drive to the end of the pavement. After a mile on the dirt road, look on the left for a “trailhead parking” sign.

The trail feels to me more like a cleared bushwack as there is really no discernible roadbuilding on the route. Yet.  Right now, the ground is very soft and really nice to walk on.  There are some beautiful lichens on the rocks, but sadly I fear they won’t last without swift action to protect them.

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Schunemunk Mountain Hike

If certain areas at ski resorts manage to have sections that go under, over, or off to the side of the radar, then it’s easy to imagine hiking trails and mountains that do the same. One hike, hidden in plain sight, a few feet west of I-87, is Schunemunk Mountain.

Schunemunk Mountain Hike

I can’t truly say that I’ve never noticed Schunemunk. From the north, it became a landmark on my trips home from school, marking that final hour in the journey towards the city. Passing those steep and rocky eastern flanks from the south it’s impossible not to think “why can’t we get a few hundred inches of snow down here.” I also can’t exactly remember when I first hiked Schunemunk Mountain, but so close to the city near Woodbury NY, it’s hard to believe it wasn’t sooner.

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