Adirondack Sojourn

Like most of us, my winter was cut short. Not sure about you, but you-know-what also blew up my summer plans. Whiteface Sky Race? Cancelled. App Gap rollerski race? Cancelled. I’d also wanted to run the Pemigewassett Loop, a legendary route in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. It just didn’t seem prudent.

River Road

In August, I was between jobs, and for the first time since March, I ventured beyond day trip distance for a much needed Adirondack respite.

The plan was to rollerski the Whiteface toll road on Saturday, and the following day, hike something I’d never been on.

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Pecoy Notch Trail: Had I But a Sceptre

Sometimes, you don’t get the big day you want, but you get the day that you need.

At 10 AM on Saturday morning, I slipped the clutch on Rheinhardt, my faithful shooting brake, in what may be my latest start ever. The pandemic has cratered the personal training business, so I’ve been loading trailers for a package delivery company. One isn’t supposed to blog about one’s job, so I won’t name the company with the ubiquitous brown trucks.

view of Thomas Cole
maybe Thomas Cole

The money is acceptable, but the job is the hardest physical labor job I’ve ever had. It’s played havoc with my training regimen. You’re constantly fatigued, and after two days off, when you’re sort of recovered, it’s time to get back at it.

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Return to The Blue Ledges

The Blue Ledges is a wonderful spot on the Upper Hudson River. We often dream about a visit, but only occasionally follow through with plans. It’s not a tough hike by any measure, and the destination is really nice. The drive to the trailhead is several miles on a banged-up dirt road, so maybe that slows us down.

Huntley Pond
Huntley Pond

This past Saturday was one of those times that we went. At the trailhead on Northwoods Club Road at 11:30 am, on mid-summers day.  It’s a good start time, for reasons I’ll explain.

After a half sandwich and a chug of water, we headed into the relatively new (2014) Hudson Gorge Wilderness. Mileage estimates for this hike vary from 2.1 to 2.5 miles, depending on the source. The DEC sign at the trailhead calls it 2.3.

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