Between Two Worlds: The Long Path Trail

Poles? Check. Pack? Check. IPA? Check. Metrocard? Checking for this item was something new.

For some context, my year and a half of country living is being interrupted by this year of teaching back in the city. I plan on making the move full-time upstate this summer, but my intuition told me to go back to the city for one more year.

West Side Highway
West Side Highway

I don’t know how to express to people how hard this is. Being upstate was so transformative. In the city you always have to be on guard. If you appear weak, whether it’s walking down the street or standing in front of a classroom, then you’re a target. It’s constant vigilance and anticipation.

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Shawangunk Ridge Trail Run

Recently an adventure presented itself, the Shawangunk Ridge Trail Run. A 13, 30, or 70-mile hike/run, the SRT is organized by Run Wild, a non-profit dedicated to preserving open space. The 70-mile starts at High Point on the NY/NJ border, the 30 at Sam’s Point and the 13 at Peterskill all finishing at the restored train trestle in Rosendale.

My buddy Freebird suggested the 30. He and I had completed the 24-mile Devil’s Path in a day earlier this summer so we deemed ourselves qualified. This would be my biggest distance by far. “We got this” was part of our foolish banter. On 9/11 at 9 am, after a moment of silence for the victims of the 2001 attacks twenty years earlier, we took off in a swarm.

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Sufferfest on Mount Colden: The Knee Knows

“There are landmines. Landmines everywhere.” Since falling and breaking my wrist last summer, 14 miles into a 15-mile Catskills run, this has been my mantra.

Colden Trail

Whether it’s the recovery portion of an interval workout, or the last mile out of the woods, it’s that last bit — you’ve done the big peaks, gone over the big rock ledges without drama. That last bit where I think, it’s all over but the shouting, and I fail to pay attention and BAM, a catastrophic fall.

After running in the Catskills over Memorial Day, I’ve laid low. When my esteemed editor asked if I might have any more tricks up my sleeve, I replied, right hip is really tight and right knee is acting up. NG. The summer has pretty much been a conservative approach, close to home.

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