The Ski Season in Photos #1

The 2012-13 season started on a bittersweet note when Hurricane Sandy delivered three feet of snow in the mountains of West Virginia on the backside of a storm that devastated coastal areas New York and New Jersey.


Often with early and epic snow the jones is high, and the hardcore will travel long distances to get after it. This storm was no exception and several skiers from the NYSB and TGR communities drove hundred of miles south to ski the snow.

MadPat, mattchuck2, ml242, Moeghoul and others headed for Timberline, Canaan Valley and White Grass, which were in the bullseye for snow.

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The Ski Season in Photos #14

Seven Springs PA • April 26, 2012

Averages are averages after all. And while averages for snowfall were impossibly out of reach at the end of the season, April temperatures took a nosedive. After the record highs in March, the first full month of spring was cold, and served up an unlikely epilogue to the lift served season.

Jason’s call: “A very impressive upper air disturbance couples with a very strong surface low. The upper low cuts off and goes negative to our south and west. This tracks the surface low into central pennsylvannia where it will stay for a while and drop a significant snowfall.”

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The Ski Season in Photos #13

Chic Chocs Basecamp • Early April 2012

After the lift-served season ended across New York and the Northeast, the most enterprising skiers were left to their travels.  One such adventurer, ml242, pursued a long-held dream to ski the Chic Chocs at the northernmost end of the Appalachian Chain, on the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec.

Against the advice of one of the most respected guide services in the region Matt and his group insisted on visiting the region, in one of the lowest snow years the region had seen in decades.  As luck had it, some new snow did fall as they were travel north, and the conditions they found were quite nice, thank you.

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