The Peaked Mountain Pond Trail, NY

The Peak Mountain hike at the northern end of the Siamese Ponds Wilderness is normally reserved for clear days, to take advantage of sweeping views from the summit. But with forecasts calling for thunderstorms later in the day, I was looking for a close-to-home hiking option, so I could be at the trailhead early.

Twin Pines campsite on 13th Lake.
Balm of Gilead from Thirteenth Lake

I hadn’t been up the Peaked Mountain Pond Trail in several years, so I decided to go for it. The morning dawned clear, and I had visions of snagging fleeting views from the top. I made it to the trailhead at the end of the Beach Road at 7am.

As I walked along the shore of Thirteenth Lake, I could see that Balm of Gilead summit was in and out of the mist, and I knew the odds of seeing anything from the summit of Peaked were slim.

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The Blue Ledges on the Hudson, NY

The hike to the Blue Ledges on the Hudson is another Southern Adirondack classic. Accessible and beautiful, delivering in spades: a nice trail and an exciting destination for a small effort.

On the trail to Blue Ledges

To reach the trailhead take Route 28N north from North Creek. Turn left onto the Northwoods Club road, near the top of the big hill heading out of Minerva. Take it very far, over the bridge at the Boreas River, and then go three miles more to the trailhead at Huntley Pond.

To be fair, accessibility can be limited by rain, which can degrade the road and make the trail muddy. We saw none of that recently when he hiked the route at the end of an exceptionally dry summer.

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Upper Hudson River Watershed

Hudson River Watershed MapThe Hudson River was named for Henry Hudson, the English explorer who sailed up the waterway in 1609 for the Dutch East India Company. It’s 315 miles long and flows from north to south through eastern New York State.

The official source of the river is Lake Tear of the Clouds, on the slopes of Mount Marcy, however, the waterway is known as Feldspar Brook and the Opalescent River, until it reaches Henderson Lake, above the old Tahawus Iron Works.

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