The First Storm of The Season

The weekend snow event wasn’t really the first storm of the season. But it was the first in the east that really involved almost everyone. I love that.


At Gore Mountain we skied truly edgeable hardpack on Saturday, so that when the overnight storm added a foot to snow totals, things were in really good shape.

From what I saw on social media Sunday evening, this was true at ski areas across New York and the east.

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Gore Opening: The White Ribbon of Life

Gore’s official opening was last week, but I’m calling this past Saturday the unofficial opening.  After a big warmup on Friday, a true arctic cold front swept through after midnight, putting a lot of pressure on the groomers.

Sunday November 24, 2013

Gore waited as long as possible before grooming, not that the snow really “drained” much in a few hours. Still crews pushed it to the last minute and used two Pisten Bullys to get things done just as the Gondi was going off at 8:30.

The crazy thing is — when I was taking these photos — I was pumped.  It was cold with snow in the forecast and guns were going off across the East Side. There had to be something to turn on, in 1500 feet of vert.

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Unconscious Video from the Ski Bowl

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My days on the hill are taken up by skiing and photography.  I don’t hesitate to admit it, blogging is my second favorite sport.

Good photos are key. For one thing, people are much more likely to read what you’ve written if you have sharp, imaginative images. Moreover, the words seem to come more easily when I’ve got five or six solid shots.

On the other hand, we rarely post original video on NYSkiBlog. It’s takes knowledge and energy to create compelling motion pictures.  Even if I was capable, taking good video takes too much away from the experience of skiing.  As evidence: there is only one video posted on our YouTube channel.

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