The Whiteface Blog
Whiteface, NY: 12/18/10
I met Danzilla at his place in North Creek at 6:15. We got to Wilmington at 7:30 and booted up. It didn’t snow much on the drive up, but it was snowing lightly at the base when we arrived.
There wasn’t a ton of snow at Whiteface, but today, there was soft, natural snow stashed in the corners, it snowed most of the day, and the mountain just felt snowy.
Whiteface, NY: 12/4 – 12/5/10
Whiteface recovered nicely from the rain. When I arrived, it was in the 20s and windy. The roaring of the snow guns was music to my ears.
I didn’t get a chance to take my first run until 9:45 and was anxious to ski Essex because I’d missed it last weekend. I asked a couple of guys on the Gondi how it was skiing — they found a breakable crust at opening, but hadn’t skied it since.
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