What is a Skier’s Mountain?

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The question started rattling around in my brain when I skied with Mike Pratt in January. He was explaining about how hard he had to push to get the three runs under the liftlines open — Dark Side, Double Barrel and High Pines. He said it was a personal goal (as opposed to a professional goal) to push to make Gore a skier’s mountain. People thought those lines were just too rocky.

What is a skier’s mountain? What does that mean? I have some general ideas. But I’d like to hear yours. I’m trying to articulate my thoughts, but I’m having a hard time getting beyond a vague concept that includes increased skier responsibility.

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Harvey’s Disclaimer

I have a good time almost every time I ski. If you are reading my reports to make your own decisions based on conditions – please read the words, and try to tune out the enthusiasm.


Do not mistake my enthusiasm for a positive review of conditions.

It’s easy to say, look at those pictures — looks like that guy had fun. Let’s go skiing!

But I can’t (I won’t!) curb my enthusiasm.

If you choose to use my reports to make ski decisions for yourself, please analyze carefully.