Black Rock Forest Consortium

The cat is out of the bag and you’ve seen it in the news: the Catskills are becoming the new Hamptons. Traffic-averse folks shudder at the thought of the New York Thruway increasingly resembling the Long Island Expressway with each passing holiday weekend. I’ve learned to adjust, opting for local outings further downstate that offer a legitimate respite from the throngs of urbanites trekking upstate.

Tamarack Pond
Tamarack Pond

On Labor Day, in search of a quieter alternative to one of my favorite rides in Minnewaska State Park, I decided to keep it local at the Black Rock Forest Consortium. Despite being only 35 miles from my apartment and just a stone’s throw from Victor Constant Ski Area, I’d never visited Black Rock Forest.

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Hudson Highlands State Park Hike

On an odd Sunday in July, I wasn’t working for a change, and the weather was good. After having driven through three monsoons in five days, I was ready for a day in the woods. I kicked around various destinations, including the Schaeffer trail up Gore, and the Taconic Hereford multiple use area.

view of West Point
West Point from the Hudson Highlands

Waking up at 6:30 put the kibosh on Gore. Decades ago, I’d climbed Breakneck Ridge near Cold Spring NY, and as I finished my coffee, I decided I’d check out Hudson Highlands State Park.

I followed my nose to a small trailhead just off Route 301 outside Cold Spring. Unloader brace? Check. Heart rate monitor? Check. Hydration vest? Check. Off we go.

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Hudson Highlands Fjord: Double Double

Growing up in the Hudson Highlands, for me, has been a gift. There’s something about those peaks plunging down to the mighty Hudson River. I have enjoyed trips to far off places, but there is nothing quite like coming home. Not too big, not too small and never short on adventure, they always deliver.

Sandy Beach
Sandy Beach

Freebird grew up here and knows this place too. He was on a brief visit from his home in the North Country so, with good weather and a full moon, we decided to go on a mission. The plan was straightforward. Paddle across the Hudson from Cold Spring, climb Storm King Mountain, paddle across again and climb Breakneck Ridge, then paddle back. With two climbs and two crossings we decided to nickname it the Double Double.

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