Owl’s Head, QC: 2/9/10

Owl’s Head was in beautiful shape after yesterday’s surprise nine inches, and on a bluebird day, it’s a great choice to let it rip on a bunch of nicely pitched high-speed groomers.

Sitting right alongside 24-mile-long Lake Memphrémagog, the views are stellar — it feels very similar to New York’s Finger Lakes region, but with mountains. From the “Lilly’s Leap” trail, you can look south toward Newport, VT or north to Magog, Quebec with Mont Orford in the distance.

Owl’s Head doesn’t get much visibility in internet land, but it’s a fun hill, especially on a day with storm leftovers and clear skies.

Mont Sutton, QC: 2/8/10

After two days of skiing sloppy seconds at Jay and Smugglers Notch, I finally hit paydirt just north of the border at Sutton, Quebec.

A small weather event that was supposed to provide a couple of inches ended up dumping what seemed closer to a foot.

Sutton has an eccentric but well thought out network of glade skiing that’s truly unique — and everyone else in my group agreed.

That felt good… my first East Coast powder day of this season. Better late than never.