Gore Mountain Easter: The Upside

New York’s ski patrol took to the slopes for the first time, at Gore Mountain, on March 4, 1934. It was the start of the ski season that year; in those days you skied when it snowed.


In the 1950s, snowmaking was introduced in the Catskills, and soon technology began to change skiing. Sixty years later resort skiing has become a business that can survive even the leanest of winters.

I appreciate the advancements in manmade snow, but there is no getting around the total picture. Snowmaking can be loud, it’s expensive and the product lacks the magic of natural snow.

rumor bumps
SkiRay on Rumor

Manmade is a fact of life today. On the upside there are times when the gunpow is a much fun as natural snow. When the temperatures rise, it melts and the pleasures of spring skiing begin.

The end of any season is softened for us crazies, somewhat, by fairly reliable and awesome ski days. Regardless of how weak a winter has been, as a skier, you know that the spring will very likely be sweet.  It’s a beautiful thing about our great sport.

Square Eddy

This past weekend I was able to put it all aside and enjoy a glorious day.  Friday night lows were in the twenties and the forecast for Saturday was for sunny skies with highs in the forties.  Ski day 30 was looking good.

I did my normal crazy early arrival, which is even more insane during the spring skiing season. I parked right up front and walked into a deserted base lodge. There were a few skiers around at 8am, and I was the only one boarding the lift.

Alicia on Chatiemac

On each of the spring days I’ve had this season, I made first chair and it has paid. On my first two runs Saturday from the top of Bear Mountain, the initial pitch was scratchy, but the lower mountain corduroy was soft enough to trench half a ski.

On my third trip up, the Gore summit remained in the clouds, but Uncas was in full sun. I dropped down to the Straightbrook Chair and it was turny, much better than Fox Lair.

Ethan Snow

On the ride up the quad I was astonished to find myself under fully clear skies. Still not sure how that happened.

I spent the the next four hours up top skiing Rumor, Lies and Hawkeye-to-Chatiemac. The day was loaded with familiar faces and I shared passing smiles, shout outs, lift rides and runs. I took many of my laps with Brant Lake Ed, Square Eddy and Ethan Snow.

I’ve gone full seasons without skiing Rumor, and this year I can’t even count the laps. I added several more on Saturday.

Sandro attacks!

It was a busy day socially too. Alba Adventures was in the house, and I knew we’d have to make that connection.

SkiRay, Alicia, Sandro and Nevada are, to me, the definition of hardcore family skiers. They’ve got full-on NY metro lives like many of us, and they get it done, 30+ days a year, all together. While producing ski films.  It’s quite an operation.


Normally after about 1pm on an escape day I start to feel the pull of the road.  But it was Saturday, and I’d decided early on I was going to ski until I ran out of leg or the lifts shut down.

Around 2pm, we considered heading down to the bottom to soak up the deck scene. After four “last laps” on Uncas, we did finally head to the lower mountain and called it day after a nice top-to-bottom run on Twister.

We ended with beers and smiles on the deck and long goodbyes in the parking lot. I cherished every minute and I squeezed every ounce of joy out of the day.  So great to be alive.

12 comments on “Gore Mountain Easter: The Upside

  1. Harvey, this is a great article and we are flattered to be part of this great day. You said it would be great and I tell you, Gore Mountain is for sure beautiful and magical.. We can only imagine what the mountain is like when its fully dressed in white.

    We look forward to many days together skiing with you and the NYSkiBlog community. This weekend, well it was very special for us. And the highlight for us, as much as the mountain, was too finally meet with you.

    Thank you Harvey.

    The Albas.

  2. It was a good day! Didn’t make the 1st chair but did ski until 4. While I said no more than hi to Harvey and Ray it was nice to see skiers out having fun still. I’ve skied with one if not both daughters everywhere this season around 20 days. On Easter the thule came off the roof so perhaps our last for the season was Saturday.

  3. What a great report, Harvey. It’s been years since I’ve skied Gore, having since moved many miles to the west. So many years and miles I can barely recall the layout. But you brought me back again. Thank you.

  4. My family and I cut our last turns at Gore this weekend and the mountain really was full of that magic known as spring.

    During my second decent down Lies on my Monoski everything just settled into a state of perfection and it just flowed into one of those moments that one never wants to end.

    As we paused on the headwall of The Rumor, my wife and I watched our sons and daughters rush off the headwall full of strength and confidence, in total command of their abilities. And in that moment, as I have every year as the season comes to an end, I relished in the beauty of the mountain, the sun, sky and this sport that binds my family together in the most amazing of ways.

    Thank you Harvey for another great season on the NYSB.

  5. Wow some awesome comments here that feed my stoke! I am still pumped about the weekend. Great seeing and skiing with everyone. Mike P you should write for NYSB.

    Regarding the season itself and the job done by Gore… in my opinion the last two weeks are proof that the decision to keep the guns on the primary part of the mountain, and forgo further expansion was a good one. Gore was truly functional this weekend and my last run was T2B on Twister. Nice work.

  6. Great summary of how we all feel, Harv! Despite a low snow year, it’ll live on in memory for the next 7+ months as another fun season!

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