Central Park Snowfall Records

Snowfall records for Central Park go back to 1869.

The greatest amount of snow to fall in a single day in Central Park was 27.3 inches on January 23, 2016.

Biggest Snowstorms at Central Park

Rank Amount” Start Date*
1 27.9″ 01/22/2016
2 26.9″ 02/11/2006
3 26.4″ 12/26/1947
4 21.0″ 03/12/1888
5 20.9″ 02/25/2010
6 20.2″ 01/07/1996
7 20.0″ 12/26/2010
8 19.8″ 02/16/2003
9 19.0″ 01/26/2011
10† 18.1″ 01/22/1935
10† 18.1″ 03/07/1941
11 18.0″ 12/26/1872
12 17.7″ 02/05/1978
13 17.6″ 02/11/1983
14 17.5″ 02/04/1920
15† 17.4″ 01/21/2021
15† 17.4″ 02/03/1961
16† 16.0″ 12/19/1948
16† 16.0″ 02/12/1899
17 15.3″ 02/09/1969
18 15.2″ 12/11/1960
19† 14.5″ 03/03/1960
19† 14.5″ 03/01/1914
20 14.0″ 12/03/2003
21 13.8″ 01/22/2005
22 13.7″ 12/21/1959
23 13.6″ 01/19/1978
24† 13.0″ 01/15/1879
24† 13.0″ 01/01/1877
25 12.8″ 02/11/1994
26† 12.7″ 02/19/1979
26† 12.7″ 02/15/1916
27† 12.5″ 02/13/2014
27† 12.5″ 02/07/1967
27† 12.5″ 01/12/1964
28† 12.0″ 12/30/2000
28† 12.0″ 02/09/1926

Record dates: 1872 – 2021

* Storm Durations

• 24 Storms spanned 2 days
• 6 storms were 1 day storms
• 5 storms spanned 3 days
• 2 storms spanned 4 days

Updated: May 9, 2021
Source: weather.gov/okx/