At NYSkiBlog we love our sport. And while we dig the modern gear and innovations, we also revel in the old school. There is something special about the origins of skiing in New York. By the middle of the last century New York had dozens of small, family-owned ski areas that featured contoured narrow trails, rope-tows and a dependance on natural snow. Our collection of images is a modest tribute to that time.
North Creek Ski Bowl (1930s)
North Creek Ski Bowl Postcard 1936
Snow Train to North Creek
North Creek Snow Train Flyer
New York Roadmap with Ski Areas
Hunter Mountain Slide Show 1959-1964
Big Tupper Ski Film 1962
Warrensburg Lake George News 1962
Harvey Mountain Patch 1960s
Gore Mountain Postcard 1968
Big Tupper Brochure 1970s
Bluemont Ski Area Ad 1970s
Gore Mountain Lift Ticket 1975
No Name Mountain Ad Circa 1975
Greek Peak Hotdog Skiers 1975
Whiteface Olympic Runs Postcard 1980
Whiteface Brochure 1980
Gore Mountain Brochure 1984
Hickory Ski Center Rates 1988-1989
Bobcat Ski Center Brochure 1990s
Gore Mountain Brochure 1991
Lake Placid Olympic Venues
Belleayre Gore Whiteface Brochure
The Big Tupper Story Brochure
Ski Big Tupper Patch
Ski Willard Pin
Belleayre Ski Pin
If you’ve got any New York State ski memorabilia to share, or if you can add information or context to any of the pieces featured please contact us!