US Annual Precipitation Map

US Annual Precipitation Map

US Annual Precipitation Map key
Precipitation in Inches (1981-2010)

The 100th meridian is a near perfect and stark dividing line that separates the abundant rainfall in the east from the predominantly desert conditions of the west. In the West, the highest elevations including mountains of the Pacific Northwest and Northern California are the most notable exceptions. The Gulf of Mexico is clearly a major influence in the East.

US Average Precipitation by State

Rank State Avg Precipitation/Year”
01 Louisiana 59.2″
02 Mississippi 56.5″
03 Alabama 56.0″
04 Florida 54.7″
05 Tennessee 51.9″
06 Hawaii 50.3″
07 Georgia 50.2″
08 Connecticut 50.1″
09 Rhode Island 50.0″
10 Arkansas 49.8″
11 South Carolina 49.2″
12 Massachusetts 48.4″
13 New Jersey 48.0″
14 North Carolina 46.9″
15 Kentucky 46.4″
16 Delaware 45.8″
17 Maine 45.5″
18 New Hampshire 44.8″
19 West Virginia 44.4″
20 Oregon 43.6″
21 New York 42.9″
22 Pennsylvania 42.8″
23 Virginia 42.8″
24 Maryland 42.7″
25 Vermont 42.6″
26 Missouri 42.5″
27 District of Columbia 42.2″
28 Indiana 41.9″
29 Ohio 39.2″
30 Washington 38.7″
31 Illinois 38.5″
32 Oklahoma 37.6″
33 Texas 35.0″
34 Iowa 34.5″
35 Wisconsin 33.1″
36 Michigan 32.8″
37 Kansas 32.4″
38 Alaska 29.0″
39 Minnesota 28.6″
40 Nebraska 26.7″
41 California 23.0″
42 South Dakota 22.0″
43 North Dakota 18.6″
44 Colorado 17.0″
45 Idaho 16.9″
46 Utah 15.8″
47 Montana 14.9″
48 New Mexico 14.2″
49 Wyoming 13.2″
50 Arizona 11.8″
51 Nevada 09.5″

