The NYSkiBlog Guide is intended to be a directory of data and source of entertainment for hardcore skiers and those interested in the history of our sport. Our content includes NY and VT ski area profiles, trail maps, vertical and stats.
New York Ski Areas
Vermont Ski Areas
NY Nordic Ski Areas
Northeast Weather Data
New York Ski Aerials
NY Backcountry Maps
NY Ski Area Development
New York Ski Boot Fitters
Skier Density Index
New York Ski History
Vintage Ski Trail Maps of NY
NY Ski Memorabilia
This year our NY Ski Area profiles were expanded to include more in depth average snowfall numbers, based on mountain reporting via feed. Plus our new Ski Day Essentials section adds ski area address, phone, Google Maps directions, point forecast, ski report and web cams.
We’ve got a relatively deep dive into NY historical weather, climate and topography, snowfall and precipitation including statewide records. Eventually, we’ll expand that to include Vermont.
We’re curating a small collection of NY Aerial Photos, Vintage Trail Maps and Ski Memorabilia. Most recently we’ve focused on our Vintage Trail Map and Ski Memorabilia sections.
The NYSkiBlog Guide is a work in progress. If you’d like to contribute images, descriptions or attribution to our directory contact us. We’d appreciate your help.