Skiing with the Northeast Ski Blogger Summit group at Jay Peak was a great time, but the best day of the trip for me came today, when Harv and I stopped at Hickory on our way back to the flatlands.
There have already been several great reports from Hickory this season, and I can confirm that it’s all true. Six years after Bobcat’s closure in the western Catskills, Hickory’s recent comeback is just what the doctor ordered: a one-stop antidote for McSkiing — an old-tyme atmosphere straight out of the 1960s with an intimate, family-oriented base lodge.
Twisty, narrow trails, surprisingly steep terrain, and great tree runs.
And an incredibly friendly general manager who’s seemingly everywhere at once, taking care of bizness at the lodge, showing people around the hill, working Poma 2.

If you need a break from what the the ski industry has become over the past two decades, I can’t recommend this place enough. There’s no question that 100% natural snow is a double-edged sword, especially here in the northeast, but when you hit it at the right time, as we did today, it’s the softest, creamiest surface you’ll ever ski.
What a bummer when Bobcat closed,some great vibes at Bobcat. Hickory has been amazing. Where skiing is still a sport, not an industry.
Great stuff. Thanks for the report. Love the area, that’s where I grew up (non-skiing segment of life.) Now it’s on my list. Regardless the size, there are some real retro gems that resist membership into NELSAP.
Blandford, Mt. Greylock Ski Club, Otis Ridge, Bousquet Ski Area, Cochrans, Balsams(yes!). Aiming to hit Granite Gorge. Steeped in serious history are Bousquet and Cochrans. And in a separate class, with better funding, newer equipment but old-time feel are Dartmouth, Middlebury and S6. I’m still aiming to hit Granite Gorge, Northeast slope and a whole boatload of community areas in Maine.
I’ve finally had my opportunity to ski Hickory and what a thrill! My husband and his family skied and assisted in the operations since he was three… just about 50 years ago. Still the great family atmosphere. We primarily ski Whiteface now, but I had to work at what Hickory had to offer and I loved it. I hear that there’s talk about expansion. Look forward to returning. And, if you visit, you have to try the clam chowder. It’s worth the visit for that alone. I’ll keep looking for future updates. Thanks for the read.