Random NYSkiBlog Stuff That You Might Not Care About

3,000 people in Georgia that makes no sense . . . .
A lot of it is Google traffic.

I wrote several pages two summers ago designed to capture Google traffic. A few of them have really taken off. These are topics I am interested in, and (I think) relevant to NY skiers.

Some of the most successful are about snowfall:

Check this out, top blog pages, for views (forum excluded):

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See where the traffic for the US snowfall map comes from:

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It ranks first for some high volume search terms....

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Vermont has a cool "featured snippet":

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Thanks to all for the response to my Plattekill piece:

Blog comments seem kind of old school, but for me they are a reward for the effort. I appreciate them, and I'm pretty confident the other writers appreciate them too.

This was an unusual piece for me. Usually when writing, even after a BIG day, it's a grind. Paragraph by paragraph, sentence by sentence. This piece was different.

I didn't even start writing until Friday night, as work was nuts. I had a big deadline Friday, made harder to hit because I skied on Wednesday. Usually if I don't start writing right after the day, it's much harder to get my thoughts down.

When I finally started, it flowed like lightning from my fingers. I basically wrote the whole thing in two hours without stopping. I had issues with the ending and the pics, but never really had something come out like that.

Thanks for listening. Like the thread title says, you might not care.
17,000 visits to this page...

...from Google search in the last 12 months.

Google traffic to the page is hugely driven by snowfall in NY. Last year, it was snowing around now.

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