Random NYSkiBlog Stuff That You Might Not Care About

One unfortunate thing, at opening @Duck and I were on the second chair (AE2) and a guy asked if he could ride with us. I guess he was looking for an opportunity, he spent the 10 min ride telling me that NYSB was bad for Gore. He made it clear that people like me "from NYC" were really at the root of many of Gore's problems.

I've made my share of mistakes, and I made some today. Still, in all my years of skiing and writing about the mountain I'd never had a negative exchange with a stranger at Gore. I tried not to take it too seriously but it was a harsh start to a great snowy day.
first of all you are from jersey(any exit). we will address that in another post. haters will hate. Harv i want to thank you for all you do. this site is a great resource. the ski conditions and trip report forum provide accurate and informative information. posted photos allow you to make your own assessment. keep up the good work and thanks again
Just wanted to say thank you for what you do here. I found this blog a little over a year ago when I was looking for skis for my wife. The insight I got from other members was VERY helpful--- ended up w/ Blizzard Black Pearl and she loves them. My daughter ended up buying a pair also and loves them. I've enjoyed my time here since.

I think the guy that said NYSB is part of Gores problem is misguided. He sounds like a nut job. The community here is pretty small compared to other outlets on the internet (no offense) so doubtful the site is sending masses to Gore. For instance hardly anyone on NYSB is a Bristol skier and it's hardly talked about here yet it's been very busy the last 2 seasons. Yesterday I saw a sight I'd never seen anything close to this but the line at the rental shop extended 80ft out the door! Simply crazy.

The pandemic drove people outside and many from big cities. I wish some would go back inside now :)

Appreciate what you do here.
It wasn't easy for me to follow. He seemed to be saying that my writing was driving skiers to visit Gore, and he didn't like it. That's my best guess.

He also seemed to be blaming "people like me" for some recent rescues in the high peaks. (He said he'd helped with those rescues.) It sounded like another blogger or website had written about the high peaks, and it encouraged people who were unprepared, to venture out.

Just to hear the answer, I asked him if there was anyway I could modify my approach that would satisfy him. Or, did it require that I quit writing all together? No response.

Maybe I should dial it back.
I'd get right back in that MF's face. I'd say more but I gotta go ski.
hater's gonna hate. It's a bit laughable really, not to diminish what you do Harv, but really, how many skiers and riders have you "brought" to Gore? Maybe a few hundred? In the grand scheme of things I doubt they've really affected the experience at Gore besides making it better - we're generally a pretty nice, dedicated and informed bunch around around here!

I'm with Warp, Keep on keeping on!