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  • T
    Twirlnhurl reacted to x10003q's post in the thread Gore Mountain Conditions with Like Like.
    Beautiful clear day allowed us to see Gore from Stratton. It is about 80 miles.
  • MarzNC
    MarzNC replied to the thread Brian Head, UT: 3/16/25.
    After lunch at Giant Steps, we figured out how to ski over to Navaho. The trail map (only online) was confusing. The green trail is...
    • Brian Head 16Mar2025 PM - 1.jpeg
    • Brian Head 16Mar2025 PM - 4.jpeg
    • Brian Head 16Mar2025 PM - 5.jpeg
    • Brian Head 16March2025 Lifts 1 and 8 - 1.jpeg
  • Brownski
    Brownski reacted to MarzNC's post in the thread Brian Head, UT: 3/16/25 with Like Like.
    The first surprise at Brian Head was that the two lifts to get to the black trails on looker's left are old triples with no safety bars...
  • Brownski
    Brownski reacted to MiSkier's post in the thread Michigan Conditions with Like Like.
    Sunday was the last day for Caberfae Peaks. The snow started out very firm hard packed groomed snow. But within and hour or so the sun...
  • TheGreatAbyss
    TheGreatAbyss reacted to jasonwx's post in the thread Spring Weather 2025 with Dislike Dislike.
    The GFS/NAM and all the other models rely on twice daily balloon launches for their data. Well since King Elon is cutting willy-nilly...
  • MiSkier
    MiSkier reacted to dubstar's post in the thread Snowmaking with Like Like.
    Catamount made snow:
  • MiSkier
    MiSkier replied to the thread Michigan Conditions.
    Sunday was the last day for Caberfae Peaks. The snow started out very firm hard packed groomed snow. But within and hour or so the sun...
    • IMG_7049.jpeg
    • IMG_7048.jpeg
    • IMG_7043.jpeg
  • MarzNC
    MarzNC replied to the thread Brian Head, UT: 3/16/25.
    The first surprise at Brian Head was that the two lifts to get to the black trails on looker's left are old triples with no safety bars...
    • Brian Head 16Mar2025 intro - 3.jpeg
    • Brian Head 16Mar2025 intro - 6.jpeg
    • Brian Head 16Mar2025 intro - 5.jpeg
    • Brian Head 16Mar2025 intro - 4.jpeg
    • Brian Head 16Mar2025 intro - 2.jpeg
    • Brian Head 16Mar2025 intro - 1.jpeg
  • S
    SnowBound replied to the thread Bristol Conditions.
    Buy the Indy Pass when it goes back in sale. Get two days each at Swain, Hunt Hollow and Greek Peak for a fraction of the price (and no...
  • MarzNC
    MarzNC reacted to tirolski's post in the thread Sugar Season with Like Like.
    Boxler Maple lady makes nice useful videos. They’re pros in the western part of The UpState.
  • D
    dubstar reacted to Jim's post in the thread Royal Mountain Conditions with Like Like.
    Just Saturday and Sunday. Fridays only during school breaks.
  • MarzNC
    MarzNC replied to the thread Brian Head, UT: 3/16/25.
    Like the rest of Utah, there wasn't much snowfall at Brian Head in January and into mid-February so it's a low snow winter. Was not...
    • Screenshot 2025-03-24 at 2.57.06 PM.png
    • Brian Head 16Mar2025 misc - 2.jpeg
    • Brian Head 16March2025 Navaho lodge - 1.jpeg
  • jasonwx
    jasonwx reacted to x10003q's post in the thread Stratton Conditions with Like Like.
    Lucked into a minor powder/hail/grapple day today. There is some rain mixing in occasionally lower down.
  • Jim
    Jim reacted to x10003q's post in the thread Gore Mountain Conditions with Like Like.
    Beautiful clear day allowed us to see Gore from Stratton. It is about 80 miles.
  • Jim
    Jim replied to the thread Royal Mountain Conditions.
    Just Saturday and Sunday. Fridays only during school breaks.