Random NYSkiBlog Stuff That You Might Not Care About

And they're back.

I almost like the blank radar when it's 70 and raining.
It's a bit laughable really, not to diminish what you do Harv, but really, how many skiers and riders have you "brought" to Gore? Maybe a few hundred?
If that, but thanks for pretending along with me. :)

Maybe when he sees my Plattekill piece.... I don't know if that will chill him or piss him off more.
Normally at this time of year, we are getting may 500 visits a day, from Google.

With the snowfall in Western NY, the numbers have been off the charts the last few days.

Google traffic is really up. Over 2200 sessions today.

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And the top 5 pages for google traffic this month are all snowfall maps:

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Normally the homepage gets the most google action, this month it is 6th.

Usually we need to publish on the front page to hit 1000 visits. Today we hit well over 2000, and we had no front page story all week.
Normally at this time of year, we are getting may 500 visits a day, from Google.

With the snowfall in Western NY, the numbers have been off the charts the last few days.

Google traffic is really up. Over 2200 sessions today.
I’d wager the opening days at ORDA mountains had something to do with increased traffic too.
And those places even missed most all the big lake effect dumpage.
Winterlike weather due to the recent cold snap most likely helped folks think snow ❄️ sports.
Now somehow we have to get better SKi3 rates for New Yorkers (just kidding I know this blog is like 70% Jersey folks including our fearless leader).

NYSB's audience is East Coast and NY is the biggest by a significant margin. Data from 2022:

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The two biggest metro areas for NYSB are NYC and Albany.

I am not against paying whatever for my pass, as a NJ resident. I am against it as a travel marketing professional.

People from out of state are the generally the most valuable. They stay overnight more often, and for more days per trip. The farther you come the longer you stay. Having a website that shows discounts for state residents tells first time visitors from out of state, you aren't as welcome, or in the same class as NY citizens.
NYSB's audience is East Coast and NY is the biggest by a significant margin. Data from 2022:

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The two biggest metro areas for NYSB are NYC and Albany.

I am not against paying whatever for my pass, as a NJ resident. I am against it as a travel marketing professional.

People from out of state are the generally the most valuable. They stay overnight more often, and for more days per trip. The farther you come the longer you stay. Having a website that shows discounts for state residents tells first time visitors from out of state, you aren't as welcome, or in the same class as NY citizens.
It was a joke! Even if I felt this way I would not throw it in your face Harv just by reason for all you do for this ski community. Wow you got 3,000 people in Georgia that makes no sense . . . .
It was a joke! Even if I felt this way I would not throw it in your face Harv just by reason for all you do for this ski community. Wow you got 3,000 people in Georgia that makes no sense . . . .
I didn't know you were kidding, but I take it badly or personally or anything.

Just thought people might be curious.

I'll move this to my NYSB data thread.

FWIW I think NJ is pretty cool. Life is good where I live. You'd be surprised by the amount of open space/mtb right next to my house. The big downside for me (and the reason I am moving) is distance from the mountains I love.