Random NYSkiBlog Stuff That You Might Not Care About

Even with his thinly veiled shot a me in the opening post, if there is a prize, it goes to Broski.
Been learning more about this. It's called Google Discover.
So it's clear to me know that getting content featured on Google Discover is social sharing. Recent posts featured include Peter's Sterling Forest Hike, Broski's Feeder Hills piece and the Hickory article.

Share our front page stuff! :geek:
This day last year was the second biggest day of the season for website traffic, approximately 1800 sessions driven by the big Nor'easter and google traffic (1200 sessions) to this page:

The biggest day of the season was Christmas Day, 2500 sessions, driven by the Belleayre avalanche.
I wrote a page in the directory about the 40 70 Benchmark for Nor'easters. I was interested in the topic, but also trying to capture some potentially good google traffic. I thought that people looking for that info, could be northeast skiers.

I first published it in August of 2016, but it was just an image.
Maybe 2 years ago I added text, including some about impact on skiers.
Now it ranks.

Screen Shot 2022-01-28 at 8.53.23 AM.png

It's gets a small amount of good traffic.
Whenever there's a coastal, the visits to that page blow up.
400 visits to it on Jan 26. It was 20% of our traffic that day.
FYI 4 minutes time on page is very solid. Site average is 1 minute and 24 secs.

I wrote a page in the directory about the 40 70 Benchmark for Nor'easters. I was interested in the topic, but also trying to capture some potentially good google traffic. I thought that people looking for that info, could be northeast skiers.

I first published in in August of 2016, but it was just an image.
Maybe 2 years ago I added text, including some about impact on skiers.
Now it ranks.

View attachment 12313

It's gets a small amount of good traffic.
Whenever there's a coastal, the visits to that page blow up.
400 visits to it on Jan 26. It was 20% of our traffic that day.
FYI 4 minutes time on page is very solid. Site average is 1 minute and 24 secs.

View attachment 12312
Attaboy ?
Gore called it 10 inches and that seems reasonable to me. It was very nice snow, it got denser as the day went on. At one point we were getting graupel. The skiing was good! I was surprised at how well the new snow bonded with the coral below. I never went above the North Chair.

One unfortunate thing, at opening @Duck and I were on the second chair (AE2) and a guy asked if he could ride with us. I guess he was looking for an opportunity, he spent the 10 min ride telling me that NYSB was bad for Gore. He made it clear that people like me "from NYC" were really at the root of many of Gore's problems.

I've made my share of mistakes, and I made some today. Still, in all my years of skiing and writing about the mountain I'd never had a negative exchange with a stranger at Gore. I tried not to take it too seriously but it was a harsh start to a great snowy day.