Random NYSkiBlog Stuff That You Might Not Care About

Thanks for the explanation and all ya do.
Do ya know why links work for “articles” but ya can’t even see the links for U tubes?
Do ya know why links work for “articles” but ya can’t even see the links for U tubes?
Not sure. Post a link I will look.
I copied & posted a link to SLC thread but it wasn’t a U tube and link previewed & posted normally.
I tried to post a U tube and it previewed as "content unavailable" as others have recently found.
It could be just U tube tumors.
Testing. Kitty and kid on trampoline.

I misunderstood. I thought you were saying videos in the archive didn't work.

So no youtube videos are working any more?

It was a bug in XF, which they jumped on and fixed:

Thanks all for the heads up.
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When you go to google (on Chrome) does your phone show you news? Yesterday and today for the first time I saw NYSB content in my news feed. I'm sure they are feeding it to me because they know I am interested in skiing and NY. But still this little item drove over 1000 visits in two days. Yesterday we did 2600 visits, 2rd highest total ever.

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Been learning more about this. It's called Google Discover.

The theory I've read the most is that since Google failed at producing a social media platform (remember Google Plus? yea me neither) they decided to create a news feed. Google has the advantage of knowing what you click on, and what you search so they have and advantage in figuring out what you would like to see.

This week the Queen of the Catskills piece has gone nuts from two sources: Julie's own social media and Google Discover. 1000 visits is a decent day in winter for us, unheard of in summer. 1000 visits on a Saturday doesn't even happen in winter, but happened yesterday. (Last year was different we did 1000 visits 100 days in a row, remains to be seen if that continues post-pandemic).

Still have no idea how Google decides to feature stuff on Discover. Google's advice "write great content." OK, we are trying.

That piece above, on Gore still was the biggest on Discover.

Any body see the Queen in their news feed?