Random NYSkiBlog Stuff That You Might Not Care About

I'd be disingenuous to pretend I have some big plan for this site. Sure I hope it's a positive thing, but I that wasn't originally in my thinking. I started out doing what I enjoyed and you guys just showed up.

As far as the kitchen is concerned, the point of the skis is to interact. I'm not bummed the guy figured out who I was, it just caught me off guard. It was probably something I needed to hear, even if the delivery was a bit rude.
To be fair, most of the problems at ski areas are indeed caused by people who love to ski. And I'd be interested to know when the last time was that people from metro areas didn't make up a significant segment of the patrons of major ski areas from the Poconos on up to Jay Peak and everything in between? Would Gore exist if it was locals only? Or would it just be the other closed area near Hickory?
To be fair, most of the problems at ski areas are indeed caused by people who love to ski. And I'd be interested to know when the last time was that people from metro areas didn't make up a significant segment of the patrons of major ski areas from the Poconos on up to Jay Peak and everything in between? Would Gore exist if it was locals only? Or would it just be the other closed area near Hickory?
It's worth remembering that locals who love to ski probably have a season pass of some sort, or at least are not paying full price on weekends when conditions aren't stellar. Also less likely to be spending money at a resort for a snack or lunch. Take away the revenue from travelers on busy weekends and holiday periods . . . not likely to be any profit during the winter season.
It wasn't easy for me to follow. He seemed to be saying that my writing was driving skiers to visit Gore, and he didn't like it. That's my best guess.

Maybe I should dial it back.
Maybe he should complain about the snowmaking crew who also drive skiers to gore. You can’t make everyone happy. Keep doing what you are doing. I’d guess your approval rating is well over 90%.

It wasn't easy for me to follow. He seemed to be saying that my writing was driving skiers to visit Gore, and he didn't like it. That's my best guess.

He also seemed to be blaming "people like me" for some recent rescues in the high peaks. (He said he'd helped with those rescues.) It sounded like another blogger or website had written about the high peaks, and it encouraged people who were unprepared, to venture out.

Just to hear the answer, I asked him if there was anyway I could modify my approach that would satisfy him. Or, did it require that I quit writing all together? No response.

Maybe I should dial it back.
Damn I wish I was there. I planned on meeting you and Duck but my daughter decided to come along and we left about 20 minutes later than planned. We saw you go under us on the Gondi first run and then we hi tailed it to Sagamore. I would have loved to be on the chair with that guy. Harv, don't stop what your doing and I am sure your grandious plans for the Blog will be just fine. There is a lot of complaining that goes on at Gore, yet the masses keep coming back. Whiteface may be the tallest in the east but Gore is the Beast of NY! NY has more ski areas than any state in the nation and a blog dedicated to it is never a bad thing. It also brings different prospectives from skiers and riders both in state and out of state. Was this guy a local? F him and his opiniions...que my signature
It wasn't easy for me to follow. He seemed to be saying that my writing was driving skiers to visit Gore, and he didn't like it. That's my best guess.

He also seemed to be blaming "people like me" for some recent rescues in the high peaks. (He said he'd helped with those rescues.) It sounded like another blogger or website had written about the high peaks, and it encouraged people who were unprepared, to venture out.

Just to hear the answer, I asked him if there was anyway I could modify my approach that would satisfy him. Or, did it require that I quit writing all together? No response.

Maybe I should dial it back.
I had an instructor in college that often quoted his own law of land use planning “The last bastard in wants to be the last bastard in.” Sounds like the dude just wants the place to himself. F him, keep doing what you’re doing.
He seemed to be saying that my writing was driving skiers to visit Gore, and he didn't like it. That's my best guess.
My guess is, if that’s true, Gore should give ya commissions, just sayin.
Same with Platty.
This skiblogforumthingy
It wasn't easy for me to follow. He seemed to be saying that my writing was driving skiers to visit Gore, and he didn't like it. That's my best guess.

He also seemed to be blaming "people like me" for some recent rescues in the high peaks. (He said he'd helped with those rescues.) It sounded like another blogger or website had written about the high peaks, and it encouraged people who were unprepared, to venture out.

Just to hear the answer, I asked him if there was anyway I could modify my approach that would satisfy him. Or, did it require that I quit writing all together? No response.

Maybe I should dial it back.
He can go scratch his ass. This blog is a wealth of info for anyone in the eastern half of the state looking for ski info. Do NOT dial back anything.
Lurking by the lifts waiting for you knowing your tendency for first chair? It’s a slimy move and tells you all you need to know about the guy.
Harv , I only have the NYSki blog to blame for bringing me to Gore. For that, my family and I will forever be grateful to NY ski blog. We have made many a family memory in our now 10 seasons of skiing Gore.
Many a local are angry all over, my local hiking area also. People during the Pandemic have discovered the outdoors and are liking it.
Keep up the Great work ,I love all the forums. Follow the conditions , multiple times a day
By the way skied Gore today, had a great time, be back for more tomorrow.
I just moved all this stuff into this thread from Gore conditions. Apologies for the drift.

I'm doing NYSB because I like it, most of the time. I'd be lying if I pretended to have considered my impact on Gore when I started out. I was just doing something I thought was fun. If NYSB is good (or bad) for Gore, I didn't plan it that way.

In the beginning there was no audience, so none of it mattered. Do me a favor and don't go back and read my earliest stuff. It's painful-ish. Its funny too, back then this site was almost 100% Gore. Nobody cared.

I have to hit the sack. NoVT tomorrow early departure.
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