Uphill Battle

I think it's pretty likely that "ORDA" doesn't want uphill.

The difference between Whiteface and Gore/Belle is that Whiteface has a long established tradition and culture of uphill. The people/person making the decision probably personally knows the people impacted by the reduction in access. My guess is that there is a feeling that you can't just eliminate uphill at WF.

Let's face it, the reason to allow uphill is to engender good feelings with locals. There's no pure "business" reason to allow it. It's a liability with no real financial upside.

I'd be happy if they priced young families off the mountain
So you are old, and you don't care if skiing survives after you are gone?

This could be the most stunning position I've ever read in this forum.
I think it's pretty likely that "ORDA" doesn't want uphill.

The difference between Whiteface and Gore/Belle is that Whiteface has a long established tradition and culture of uphill. The people/person making the decision probably personally knows the people impacted by the reduction in access. My guess is that there is a feeling that you can't just eliminate uphill at WF.

Let's face it, the reason to allow uphill is to engender good feelings with locals. There's no pure "business" reason to allow it. It's a liability with no real financial upside.

So you are old, and you don't care if skiing survives after you are gone?

This could be the most stunning position I've ever read in this forum.
He has some doozies. I don't know why it would stun you.
I don’t agree with pricing out but I see where it is coming from. If you nerf it so much so much then it will not be as attractive for older customers. Also, young families may not be able to ski regularly, but that doesn’t mean they cannot when they are older and need less of a leash.

I think this shows that ORDA does not know what they are doing or at least does not care. A paid uphill ticket should be an option even in a limited basis if they wanted to be skiers mountains
So you are old, and you don't care if skiing survives after you are gone?
I think you are reacting to a comment I meant to be ironic, but it really is true that some people find high prices to be a feature, not a bug. Most of them seem to be my Lawn Guyland relatives. My Florida relatives actually hate poor people, and are endlessly offended to see a poor person enjoy anything, but that's not me.

The old part is true.

I actually don’t really care what Whiteface charges. For me it’s more about ORDA not allowing it at all at Belleayre and Gore. There is definitely an uphill culture in the Cats. It might not be as big as up North but it’s there, mostly underground. Maybe it’s better it stays that way. I can ski all day down on one side of the rope and up and down day and night on the other.

“but on the backside it didn’t say nothing”
This land is your land this land is my land, as long as our skis are pointed downhill
By blow up do you mean like 20 cars for dawn patrol. That's what they get on the busiest days at Whiteface. They say its safety, people mess with the groomers and the winch line and whatever other bull shit they can make up. And they do have a point, but come on it a one off thing when something happens like that and you can probably count on one hand the totality of the incidents. Its miserable people preaching safety when really they just want to pee in the skinners cheerios cause they can.
More like a hundred. If you were running a ski area you’re probably going to project what it could possibly turn into. Right now the uphill buzz is pretty hot in the industry.
I think you are reacting to a comment I meant to be ironic, but it really is true that some people find high prices to be a feature, not a bug. Most of them seem to be my Lawn Guyland relatives. My Florida relatives actually hate poor people, and are endlessly offended to see a poor person enjoy anything, but that's not me.

The old part is true.

Well they are hard to look at........-sarcasm.

I guess this is why this country has so many laws and the largest population of people in prisons.
Someone should start up a mountain without chair lifts etc and create place for uphill travel skiers rather then trying to piggyback off a place that is designed for chair lifts, who cares about someone laughing on the other side of the pond
pipe dream. you would need to make snow so the place is ready after a storm. this makes it unrealistic. if we got a foot today the back country would be sketchy, our promising base has mostly melted.
More like a hundred. If you were running a ski area you’re probably going to project what it could possibly turn into. Right now the uphill buzz is pretty hot in the industry.
That's pretty amazing to me. Do you think these peeps spend any money at the resort? If not I can certainly understand why a ski area wouldn't want them around.