Uphill Battle

Mount Greylock Ski Club was only open 6 days last year and 8 days the year before. Thanks to a dedicated group of member/volunteers it keeps on going unchanged.
Who wants to skin up a ski trail? For me, skinning is just as much to get away from people as it is anything else. It's about exercise and gliding on soft snow, not man-made groomers. Even if you're at a resort, just climb in the woods.
You better not do that it’s not allowed
Who wants to skin up a ski trail? For me, skinning is just as much to get away from people as it is anything else. It's about exercise and gliding on soft snow, not man-made gromers. Even if you're at a resort, just climb in the woods.
I totally agree with you but unfortunately having enough natural snow to make this work is becoming a thing of the past.
pipe dream. you would need to make snow so the place is ready after a storm. this makes it unrealistic. if we got a foot today the back country would be sketchy, our promising base has mostly melted.
It actually exists already over in Vermont.

I’m surprised that no one from this forum has visited these places yet.

but in New York? It probably isn’t worth the effort and the way climate is changing (if the science is right) it’s definitely not going to be a thing in our future.
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NY had over 350 ski areas now there’s 43
That's pretty amazing to me. Do you think these peeps spend any money at the resort? If not I can certainly understand why a ski area wouldn't want them aroound.
Heck no.

It’s mostly trail runner types. This place has a serious trail running scene. I guess it’s the high elevation and largely flattish areas that sit on top of the Mogollon Rim that make it specially attractive to long distance trail runners. That and having the 8 different climate zones within an hours drive or so.

Some probably buy gear in town helping support local businesses and the ski area is built on public lands so that part fits that narrative I guess. But this thread has me thinking about Orda, taxation and their use of tax dollars in ski areas. That’s kind of fucked up eh?
Vermont, New Hampshire and Mass all have travel restrictions for leisure right now
Then size matters to you ;)

I'd rather support the little guy with my dollars. Of course that's easy for me to say because of where I live.
Camp, For skiing, on a bluebird winter day, long runs, all day, size matters.

I support lab-song for mostly all other skiing days or nights. So we got that little guy thing goin for us.
Camp, For skiing, on a bluebird winter day, long runs, all day, size matters.

I support lab-song for mostly all other skiing days or nights. So we got that little guy thing goin for us.

I hear ya, just bustin.

Back in the day when our crew took ski trips we'd always go to WF. Can't pass up the biggest vert in the east