True, but resorts can encourage uphill travel without giving uphill-ers free and open access to everything, which I’m ok with.You probably don’t want to hear this but......poaching is one good and valid reason the resorts don’t want uphill traffic.
Granted, out west it is easier and/or there are more reasons to open ‘limited’ uphill access....because such access leads to backcountry on public lands. Take Crystal in WA for example. They have half a dozen designated uphill routes, although at any given time only two might be open. You have to get an uphill pass...which is free by the way. However, with that people have the opportunity to skin and ski limited terrain within the resort, or the Quicksilver route leads to a trailhead accessing backcountry areas outside of the designated resort boundary. None of that in the east really, which is why I agree with TJ that I wouldn’t pay to uphill and ski down a few groomed trails here. Of course that is easy for me to say because I’ve had plenty of other opportunities to get skinning experience.....