Uphill Battle

My Florida relatives actually hate poor people, and are endlessly offended to see a poor person enjoy anything, but that's not me.
This is so sad. How does anyone grow up to be like this?
But this thread has me thinking about Orda, taxation and their use of tax dollars in ski areas. That’s kind of fucked up eh?
Tototally. Think about someone like Laszlo and Plattekill, Belleayre's closest (at least as far as distance) competition. No state budget to fill the coffers, no real worry about cost overruns or where they will get money/line of credits etc. (they will be there next year). I don't think this type of State owned and sponsored competition exists in any other industry.

Guest Opinion: Belleayre Ski Center Expansion​

Posted on June 25, 2013 by Laszlo Vajtay

This is so sad. How does anyone grow up
Tototally. Think about someone like Laszlo and Plattekill, Belleayre's closest (at least as far as distance) competition. No state budget to fill the coffers, no real worry about cost overruns or where they will get money/line of credits etc. (they will be there next year). I don't think this type of State owned and sponsered competition exists in any other industry.
No shit.

the uphill discussion made me think about it. I mean, the op’s argument is that it’s state land. Ok, valid argument for sure but I also get that a ski area has work to do and its in their best interest to not be interfered by that use. But then I thought, the ski area is funded literally by the residents taxes making the op’s argument even stronger.

my next thoughts were how the poor working class gets what? 30% of their income taxed so the state can fund a playground for the more effluent. That seriously f-d up.
No shit.

the uphill discussion made me think about it. I mean, the op’s argument is that it’s state land. Ok, valid argument for sure but I also get that a ski area has work to do and its in their best interest to not be interfered by that use. But then I thought, the ski area is funded literally by the residents taxes making the op’s argument even stronger.

my next thoughts were how the poor working class gets what? 30% of their income taxed so the state can fund a playground for the more effluent. That seriously f-d up.
Closer to three. .. Go on

Guest Opinion: Belleayre Ski Center Expansion​

Posted on June 25, 2013 by Laszlo Vajtay

Thanks for posting this, I think the link is better than a full repost.

I'm curious about how you found it.

I edit everything that appears on our front page, and I was deeply involved in this one. Not to say that I don't disagree with opinions posted. With this piece, I stand behind every single word of it.
I think I’ll just get some twin tips, put the skins on backwards and moonwalk up the trail. I don’t think people will notice. If they do, they will probably react like people do when they see a monoskier, feel bad for me and leave me alone.
I think many people other than 'trail runners,' esp. in the Northeast, are looking to skin uphill at resorts this season. Ppl with dogs, learning new touring gear, Type A fitness lap folk, maybe even someone that can't afford a $100 ticket... Let alone when that's the only decent snow around. Lots of $ and tax talk, vs discussion of leased public lands. I guess more of a thing out West... Operationally/legally, the resorts can make the rules they will, regardless of land 'ownership.' Liability and infrastructure (snow!) justify uphill fees imo. I for one like to play by the rules as a mountain biker and uphill skier, so as not to f' it up for everyone. So clearly communicated policies are appreciated. I agree WF's uphill policy is a joke. At least they have one in writing... lookin at you Platty