Ukraine Invasion

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Right. It’s fine for people on this forum to say “Biden is weak”. To that, you say “Interesting”.

But if I say “Trump’s campaign manager was working to install a pro-Russia stooge as leader of Ukraine (, I’m being too political.
That’s a personal opinion not related to political identity. You can be a democrat and feel this way.

You take it personally and somehow can’t see the difference.

I’m watching Biden right now live addressing the attack on Ukraine and my god it’s scary having this guy as a president. It’s extremely obvious that he’s struggling.
Right. It’s fine for people on this forum to say “Biden is weak”. To that, you say “Interesting”.

But if I say “Trump’s campaign manager was working to install a pro-Russia stooge as leader of Ukraine (, I’m being too political.
Again, work on your delivery. Try to be unbiased. Example: according to this source Trumps campaign manager was…..

See what I did there bud. Taking every news story as gospel that agrees with your bias is faulty. It makes people not want to believe what your saying.

We can do this all day Matt, your a great skier and I respect you for that but I really love fucking with you and anyone for that matter that’s emotional about their partisan party alignments.
That’s a personal opinion not related to political identity. You can be a democrat and feel this way.
Yes, we’re all just giving opinions, but you don’t like mine, specifically

See what I did there bud. Taking every news story as gospel that agrees with your bias is faulty.
holy shit, putting this type of disclaimer doesn’t make you a more discerning News consumer:
I honestly have no idea about these links! They seem legit and unbiased.
It’s just saying “Hey, I don’t bother to investigate anything before I post it, so this could be propaganda or not! Who the fuck knows?!”
RA, just for context and clarity, I think what you seem to pinpoint as “identity politics” is just people who wear their political heart on their sleeve? So you feel they are taking the kneejerk reactionary response that their political allegiance approves of. Is that what you don’t like?
RA, just for context and clarity, I think what you seem to pinpoint as “identity politics” is just people who wear their political heart on their sleeve? So you feel they are taking the kneejerk reactionary response that their political allegiance approves of. Is that what you don’t like?
I don’t simply dislike it. I think it’s making us incredibly stupid.
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