Ukraine Invasion

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I’m about a quarter Ukrainian. They hate Russia for good reasons., even before the genocide in the 30s. We’re already turning our back on a commitment we made to Ukraine in the 90s when they gave up their nukes. Maybe there’s some wiggle room there since they’re not NATO and it’s not quite a mutual defence treaty. But will Putin recognize the nuance when he starts eyeing Poland and Estonia? I doubt it. Fuck Putin.
And that Brownski was one of my thoughts, NATO’s actions right now are going to set a precedent. Nuclear war is bad, is he bluffing? Inaction is bad too, like really fucking bad! It’s going to give him even more confidence.
Before it gets shut down, I’d like to say…..”identity politics” in 1776 was wealthy white landowners thinking that maybe they should have a say in the process, not just whatever stooge the king appointed. A hundred years ago “identity politics” was white women thinking that maybe they should have more of a say in the process. 60 years ago “identity politics” was the Civil Rights movement.

We all mostly hate “partisan politics”, and these days there is so much micro-nicheification of “identity”. But “identity politics” is politics, pure and simple.
Well let’s let that die there and move on eh?
Listen, a maniac dictator with a big military just invaded a smaller, mostly peaceful neighbor that posed no threat to his country... That’s the bottom line. Everything else is just muddying the water.

This is potentially really bad. We may not want to get involved for Ukraine but what about Poland? What about Taiwan or South Korea? Things could really get crazy very fast at this point. Putin is not a rational actor. Is Xi? I don’t know. Is Kim? Probably not. Hopefully this is just Ukraine and doesn’t spread but I’m not so sure we should expect that.
I’m about a quarter Ukrainian. They hate Russia for good reasons., even before the genocide in the 30s. We’re already turning our back on a commitment we made to Ukraine in the 90s when they gave up their nukes. Maybe there’s some wiggle room there since they’re not NATO and it’s not quite a mutual defence treaty. But will Putin recognize the nuance when he starts eyeing Poland and Estonia? I doubt it. Fuck Putin.
Always best to hear from someone with the lineage. Always gave a greater understanding of the history. I am by no means pro Putin / pro Russia. Just taking a look at all the facts and try to reason how we (USA) might react in same scenario and see how it all measures up.
My guess is this has been Putin’s endgame since Crimea he just needed sufficiently weak world leadership. Obama too popular Trump too unpredictable.
This is potentially really bad. We may not want to get involved for Ukraine but what about Poland? What about Taiwan or South Korea? Things could really get crazy very fast at this point. Putin is not a rational actor. Is Xi? I don’t know. Is Kim? Probably not. Hopefully this is just Ukraine and doesn’t spread but I’m not so sure we should expect that.
This seems like snoloco saying “What if we have to wear masks NEXT WINTER?!?!?”

I don’t think we should get preemptively upset about things that don’t seem very close to happening (right now). This Ukraine thing has at least been building for the last month and people still didn’t think Putin would actually do it (and I don’t really think this will work out so well for Putin. I *really* don’t think it’ll be such a success that he’ll immediately want to turn around and attack Poland).

Let’s try to remain sane about this whole thing (even as an insane guy defies the entire world to attack a sovereign nation).
Always best to hear from someone with the lineage. Always gave a greater understanding of the history. I am by no means pro Putin / pro Russia. Just taking a look at all the facts and try to reason how we (USA) might react in same scenario and see how it all measures up.
My guess is this has been Putin’s endgame since Crimea he just needed sufficiently weak world leadership. Obama too popular Trump too unpredictable.
That is super interesting to me.
The free world also seemingly does not grasp the concept that both Putin and Xi do not give a rats ass what the rest of the world thinks. If they deem something is in their best national interest they will do it. They may have to bide their time but they eventually will act. I wouldn’t be surprised if Xi finds this a good to time to ratchet up the noise on Taiwan.
This seems like snoloco saying “What if we have to wear masks NEXT WINTER?!?!?”

I don’t think we should get preemptively upset about things that don’t seem very close to happening (right now). This Ukraine thing has at least been building for the last month and people still didn’t think Putin would actually do it (and I don’t really think this will work out so well for Putin. I *really* don’t think it’ll be such a success that he’ll immediately want to turn around and attack Poland).

Let’s try to remain sane about this whole thing (even as an insane guy defies the entire world to attack a sovereign nation).
I think brownski is right. Our actions or inactions now is going to have an outcome. Yeah, we don’t know what that is but it’s a thing.
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