Ukraine Invasion

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Russia is in a weird position
They basically only produce oil, pornos and computer viruses. What he wants with that radioactive waste land of Ukraine is anyones guess.
Let’s hope he’s not trying to the old USSR back together
I saw on a Facebook post that claimed Ukraine sits on huge deposits of natural resources. I have absolutely no idea how true it was.
I hate posting an occupy Democrats post but if this is all true it sheds some light on why Putin wants to invade. I know he’s a lunatic but I’d hate to think this is simply about his ego and hurt feelings.

Let’s not forget that Stalin killed 4 million Ukrainians
There is no love loss for Russia
Separately from statistics, Ukraine is really important because of what the invasion represents: if it is allowed to stand, it is a European country's borders being reset by force (of course Russia has done that before) after World War II Europe as a whole takes that very seriously, and that issue is one of the reasons why there is NATO.

I don't think it is a simple issue, but that is why you see pretty strong sanction-related conduct like Germany not signing off on a gas pipeline from Russia that it needs (and pre-invasion, the US could not get Germany to agree to hold off on).
I think this can stay civil Scotty. It’s not about our own identity politics are not so far at least.

PS, identity politics are really fucking dumb, that’s all I got on that.
Before it gets shut down, I’d like to say…..”identity politics” in 1776 was wealthy white landowners thinking that maybe they should have a say in the process, not just whatever stooge the king appointed. A hundred years ago “identity politics” was white women thinking that maybe they should have more of a say in the process. 60 years ago “identity politics” was the Civil Rights movement.

We all mostly hate “partisan politics”, and these days there is so much micro-nicheification of “identity”. But “identity politics” is politics, pure and simple.
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I’m about a quarter Ukrainian. They hate Russia for good reasons., even before the genocide in the 30s. We’re already turning our back on a commitment we made to Ukraine in the 90s when they gave up their nukes. Maybe there’s some wiggle room there since they’re not NATO and it’s not quite a mutual defence treaty. But will Putin recognize the nuance when he starts eyeing Poland and Estonia? I doubt it. Fuck Putin.
This was helpful for me.
This was pretty good. Events like this do not happen in a vacuum so the history is important. I thought the colonialism argument was pretty weak. Also glossed over NATO a little too lightly. NATO acceptance potentially puts troops and missiles on its borders. If you want to know how the US would react to something similar go brush up on the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Here’s another one. I’m halfway through this right now and it’s definitely easier and more enjoyable to watch.

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