The Ugh Thread

Sorry to hear that, trail head break-ins seems to have risen exponentially in the past few months, hard times I guess?
It wasn't really a breakin, nothing was taken, from either car.

Al told me it's extremely hard to break a car window with a bat. He told me it had to be done with a punch, someone who knew exactly what they were doing.
This is turning out to be more real then I imagined. Al thinks much of the interior has to be replaced. I haven't spoken to Zelda, I may keep if from her for a few days, just to cut her a break.

I wish it was totalled, but it was expensive, and won't be.

I hate to be the star of the ugh thread. I am fucking disheartened.
I am so sorry.
Ugh. Wife's car, less than two months old, trashed with a baseball bat at a local park, while she was walking.

I'm "hopeful" that it's only glass damage. TBD.

Trying not to feel cursed.
Yer not cursed. There’s assholes out there.

Coming back to the piece of shit 67 Chevy pickup parked in a “remote” Ole Miss parking lot, after work and then karate practice, in the summertime in the early 80s at Ole Miss, I saw the headlights blink. Couldn’t lock the truck as none of the locks worked. It was before dusk. When I got closer I saw 2 dudes inside sitting on the bucket seats.
Asked them "what’re doin”? They said "just hanging out". Told them to "get out cause I wanna go home". They said it was their truck.I said "if it’s yer truck why don’t ya just leave?" They next grabbed some tool in their hand and I took off in a sprint. Assholes then left in their vehicle & I reported it to OleMiss campus PD. One of the profs told me he had had problems with trespassers on his farm that met the description of the assholes.They had siphoned some gas & were trying to unbolt the bucket seats.

Later on while fishing in a farm pond down some dirt roads somebody stole the battery while we were fishing. The person who told me about the nice fishing pond was a janitor at the building I worked in. Told him about it and he said he probably knew who took it & said he could get it back if I wanted it. The battery was on it's last legs so I told him no problem. Bought a new Diehard I later ended up giving to a friend as a wedding present as I moved up to a used VW rabbit.
Sold the piece of shit truck for ~what I paid, kept the bucket seats and got to gift the Diehard.
Mario is the insurance adjustor. Al told me he knows him "for 30 years."

"Harv, don't talk to Mario. He's a ball buster, and he's easy to piss off. Tell him to call me."

Text late today:

"We are set. Mario will approve our estimate."

Al f'ing is awesome.

The estimate is 20k. That sucks, but I am hoping we will end up with a car that is better than a car with 20k of body work. All of the parts should be bolted in, not welded.

Getting the window in tomorrow. TBD on the rest of it.

Sorry for all the whining.
You gave a battery as wedding present? That’s about as red as it gets.
Didn’t have to wrap it. The groom had a van and they needed it.
I was in the wedding party. We were grad students in the same school at Ole Miss and played intramurals & summer league & tournament softball together. When we went to the wedding in Huntsville Alabama I met the best man. He told us the groom must’ve used up all his good friends on his 1st wedding. Fun times.
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