The New Normal

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one of the reasons that I don’t find it fun around here is because people attack me out of nowhere, and instead of allowing me to say anything, I find that I am blocked from responding to the thread.

it’s fine if that’s how you want to run the site, but I just don’t feel the need to contribute anything if I don’t get the chance to say my piece.

also, RA, the only person “virtue signaling” in that other thread is the guy who said “What the hell do you mean, Americans are dumb? No I won’t read the article you posted showing that Americans are dangerously uninformed about the virus, I know in my heart that all Americans are geniuses”

Also, that conversation was completely in the bounds of the thread, unlike the other conversations that were happening... like the petty sniping at me.
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I like it more now. Even though it seems like it’s trying to creep back in there’s been no or very little identity political bs. That gets seriously old.

Stick to ski stuff Matt. You’re a great skier but your political posturing and virtue signaling wears everyone down.
I had to look up virtue signaling... :unsure:
I get that.

We all know that covid has become a political issue and that people's ideas on it line up — to some extent — with their political views. It's unfortunate, but it's reality. The New Normal thread has the most potential to become political, so it's kind of an experiment. Can we talk about this thing that has been hanging over our heads for a year? It's arguably the biggest issue of the day.

Many of us know where others stand politically from the past days of PolitiCrap, and we can often read between the lines when someone posts something. To a large extent it seems like members here understand where I want to go and are helping me. At the end of the old forum 70% of posts were you and PeeTex and Coach arguing (granted it was summer) and it was really boring.

You've contributed some great content over the years, and you know more about skiing than most of us. Still, empirically I've found that one thing, removing you from The New Normal thread, makes my life easier. I understand that that means you won't post as much or any great on topic content. The trade off is worth it, to me.

ETA: Every time I post this ^^ sentiment I feel obligated to add that your request to kill the politics is what convinced me to do it. I certainly had been thinking about it, but that pushed me to do it.
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Brother gave up beer for lent. I ain’t a quitter.
Still using foam from beer as soap to keep oral cavity clean and spirits lifted.
I’m moving away from beer in preference for legal and edible thc. I’m sleeping better, it manages my anxiety better, I’m not hung over and unproductive and I’m quickly losing weight. I’m feeling so much healthier. It may not work for everyone but it sure works for me!

I’m not giving beer up completely but I’m doing my best to not use it to manage my anxiety. That gets a little out of control tbh.
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