The New Normal

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ETA: Every time I post this ^^ sentiment I feel obligated to add that your request to kill the politics is what convinced me to do it. I certainly had been thinking about it, but that pushed me to do it.
I thought that the politics thread was making me hate people I otherwise would like because of their dumb political opinions.

I now realize those people are just assholes in regards to everything and I probably wouldn’t like them anyway. I can’t imagine just being in constant sniping mode. Nobody was even talking to tjf and he comes out of nowhere to try to blast me in this thread. It’s amazing.
I quit beer for a bit once. Folks gave me a spoon of whiskey for some reason when I came home from being born, allegedly.
Don’t touch whiskey but a cold brew does seem to hit the right spots.
I thought that the politics thread was making me hate people I otherwise would like because of their dumb political opinions.

I now realize those people are just assholes in regards to everything and I probably wouldn’t like them anyway. I can’t imagine just being in constant sniping mode. Nobody was even talking to tjf and he comes out of nowhere to try to blast me in this thread. It’s amazing.
I think that one of the hardest things to learn to accept is that someone's "dumb political opinion" makes sense to them. Not everyone who disagrees with you is an asshole. I grew up in a divided household. My ex and I used to go vote together and then cancel each other out. He did his research, I did mine, and we disagreed.
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