The New Normal

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The UNC School of Medicine in Chapel Hill, NC has opened up a clinic specifically for COVID-19 long haulers.

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I think I’m finally getting a shot tomorrow
I have to wait until my trip to Alta in early April. NC is opening up to everyone 16+ on April 7.

My ski buddy in NM who is over 65 got an appointment. But it's when he'll be at Alta. So he'll have to wait until he gets home after that ski trip too. He paid to do an At-Home PCR test after the ski trips in Dec and Feb. Tested negative both times. It hasn't been that hard to avoid close contact (over 15 min) with strangers when at ski resorts. Especially when only doing take-out for meals.
Nice attitude, man. I’d rather hear a thousand political conversations than treat people like this. But you keep doing you, I guess.

F off

You haven't been involved around here, and when you are it's only to make fun of someone's post. Fuck off. Anymore I have zero tolerance for your petty BS.
F off

You haven't been involved around here, and when you are it's only to make fun of someone's post. Fuck off. Anymore I have zero tolerance for your petty BS.
Absolutely wrong. You saw my Greek Peak video & liked it.

But it’s true that I don’t find this place as much fun anymore. Part of the reason is that certain people on this forum (like you) can give it, but they can’t take it.

I can’t believe that you feel the need to curse and namecall for such dumb reasons. Amazing
Back on ignore goes the bully

Such a nice feature of this new software
Lol. You’ll see this post because you can’t help yourself.

And when you do, realize this: if you think everyone else is an asshole (and need to block people to protect yourself from them), it’s possible that you, yourself, are the asshole (you know, the guy calling people Douchebags and telling them to fuck off for no reason)
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