The New Normal

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What's driving the current increase in detected cases is a sub-variant of Omicron. The proportion of common variants varies by region. In NC, BA.2 was over 70% of the sequenced cases by April and about 90% by early May. NC wastewater stats started going up in mid-April after staying very low all of March 2022. Memorial Day weekend is likely to generate a small spike.

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Really. What has been done to them? Maybe you should write a letter to president Xi.
This is what was done to our young people:

If you don't think it's an outrage, then:

A) you are a parent who does not care about your kids.
B) you don't have kids and should keep your mouth shut.
C) you're just an asshole.

Yes, your flippant post pissed me off enough that I remembered you when I read the results of the study over learning loss. Harvey, no need to ban me I'm gone again. Peace all, out.
I don't understand, it's easy to look back at the miss-steps, but remember back when COVID first raised it's ugly head, it was new and quite deadly, no real treatments, hospitals clogged, as it was the USA had one of the worst responses in the developed world, it's easy now with vaccines and treatments, somewhat of a herd immunity to moan, but those charged with trying to keep us safe did the best they knew how.
Don't totally get the anger, but there is some history there.

For me outrage isn't the word. IMO we're humans on a planet doing the best we can. Sometimes we fuck up. I care about my kid, so I guess I' m an asshole.

No doubt my teen paid a big price for covid lockdowns. Before the pandemic we worked really hard to move past some big issues, and felt we were in the clear. Covid brought it all back.

I kind of agree with Jimmy, nobody really knew what to do. Sure, mistakes were made. What would I have done if I was in charge? No idea.

I locked this thread, not because I perceived trouble, I just kind of felt "new normal" is over. To a large extent many of us are back to normal, and it is different than before, but somehow it just feels over to me.

I'll keep this locked for now, but as a kind of informal poll, like this post if you agree it should be closed, thumbs down if you think it should be unlocked.
I'm much more likely to forgive mistakes that were made early on when we knew very little. The problem was that those mistakes were perpetuated for more than 2 years, after we knew much more, I believe largely for political reasons. This was totally unnecessary, and caused many to distrust public health.
My bad I thought this was locked.
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